Detailed profiles of thousands of listed and unlisted companies including company description, modus operandi, industry focus and geographical presence. It also covers information on ownership structure, investors, subsidiaries, key people, addresses etc.
The key data points include:
Company Type, Previous Name, Brand Name, Founded Year, Industry Classification (STP classification, Venture Source Classification and Edge sector classification),Website , Email id, CIN No., Scrip Code, Primary and Secondary addresses, Parent – Subsidiary relation.
Comprehensive list and profiles of Funds, Limited Partners, Angel Investors, Incubators, Auditors, Investment Banks, Law Firms and Professionals.
Quick access to the extensive financial information of public and private companies in India. It comprises of ownership and shareholders information, financial statements that includes profit and loss statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and financial ratios.
Consolidated and standalone financials are updated for companies wherever available. The data is updated in the format approved by the regulatory authorities in India. Relevant source documents can also be viewed for any additional data requirements.
India’s most robust database of private equity/venture capital investments and exits, mergers & acquisitions, listed debt, and equity capital market deals.
Key developments are the significant news about companies that could impact the performance of the company or signal any potential investment opportunities.
The key events are tagged under 56 key development types across 9 categories. Key development types include Product Launch, Restructuring, Capital Expenditure, Business Expansion, Seeking Financing, Considering Investments, PE/VC Fund Raising etc.
Detailed deal analysis reports covering data-driven holistic view of private equity, venture capital, M&A and equity capital market deals in India, with sector and region-wise analysis.
These reports includes analysis on different aspects of transactions including investors interests on specific sectors, areas or stage of investment. The reports are published quarterly and annually. VCCEdge currently has reports in the archive starting 2010.
VCCEdge is India’s premier research platform providing comprehensive private and public company financial data, private equity, venture capital, M&A, ECM and debt transactions data, key developments of companies, and advanced search tools and features for the Indian investment ecosystem.
VCCEdge deal database offers complete transaction information along with detailed valuation and multiples for funded companies including their business profiles and affiliate relationships.
VCCEdge sector database offers sector specific comprehensive information that includes company profiles, transactions, team and financial data. It also offers analytical and screening tools to identify specific sector trends.
We combine a meticulous research approach with a granular detail orientation to produce best-in- class research in our domain. Interactive pictorial and graphical representations on a user friendly interface enable users to drive quality analysis and spot trends faster and earlier than their peers, providing a distinct advantage in a world where timing matters.
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